UFOs: For Real or Not for Real?

It’s a fact—UFOs get us thinking. Yet we always seem to end up with more questions than answers. That’s partly because UFOs have a bad reputation. If you believe they exist, most people will give you the side-eye. They might even buy you a tinfoil hat.

The Pentagon might have done the same, until they confessed (finally!) that they have been investigating UFO sightings. Instead of UFOs they call them UAPs (unidentified aerial phenomena). In one investigator’s view, the new term avoids “the pop culture baggage that came with the term ‘UFO.’”

In other words, the stigma is alive and well.

So be it, and here’s my story: One night long ago, a buddy and I were outside on a dark, starlit night. Suddenly, we spotted a strange, lighted object darting swiftly around the sky. It moved like nothing we’d ever seen, and I haven’t seen anything like it since.

My friend said, “Did you see that?”

I sure did. It was all I saw, but it was spectacular! Depending on its distance from us, it might have been an encounter of the first kind, meaning a UFO sighting within five hundred feet (and without physical effects or contact).

But what exactly did we see?

In my last post I said that mythology, space travel, and spirituality are interconnected by common roots going way back. Did you know, for example, that ancient artwork portrays creatures that look like astronauts—helmets, gas masks, and all? (Google it!)

Obviously, the fascination with other-worldly creatures is not new. So where did it begin?

Before we get to the short answer, let’s assume for discussion’s sake that if UFOs are extraterrestrial vehicles (I didn’t say they are; I said if they are), and if they are manned, it’s not by your Uncle Joe or your next-door neighbor. They’re manned by extraterrestrials, a.k.a. alien creatures, or simply aliens.

But who are they, and what’s going on behind the seen?

Here’s a potentially mind-blowing clue: In Genesis chapter 6, creatures from another world fathered giants who possessed knowledge and powers not known to humans. These angelic creatures (or watchers) overstepped their bounds and intermingled with earthly women, sinning against God and creating a hybrid race called Nephilim.

The interlopers traveled from the heavenly dimension to the earthly one and procreated with humans. That means they knew how to travel inter-dimensionally and how to transform themselves. I believe they inspired the building of the Tower of Babel—humankind’s attempt to reach heaven (a story all by itself). I also believe that our fascination with creatures from above began with the watchers’ earthly entrance.

As I write in Behind The Seen, I don’t claim to have alien creatures neatly figured out, but I believe they are tied to celestial and demonic creatures who are capable of manipulating people and situations and producing stunning effects. Like the watchers of old, they reveal possibilities that most humans have not yet imagined.

In other words, there is a logical yet supernatural explanation for what seems inexplicable—and it doesn’t involve tinfoil hats.

Are your wheels turning? Yeah, mine too.

Want to learn more about the Nephilim, the Tower of Babel, and the ancient “astronauts”? Preorder Behind The Seen now.

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(Keywords: UFO, extraterrestrial, Nephilim, Pentagon admits investigating UFOs, Tower of Babel)

Monique Walker